*The prices stated above are estimates based on a location in the vicinity of a major danish city. All offers are noncommittal
No more updating excel sheets with employees and timeslots. The entire planning process and communication regarding photo
sessions, are smoothly handled within the eikonice platform – all the way to the photographer.
A great process is nothing without great results. The selection process at the core of the eiokonice platform allows employees to see and select the portraits they like – or to take a few more if needed. No more will you have to endure an awful portrait on the who-are-we-page.
No more updating excel sheets with employees and timeslots. The entire planning process and communication regarding photo
sessions, are smoothly handled within the eikonice platform – all the way to the photographer.
A great process is nothing without great results. The selection process at the core of the eiokonice platform allows employees to see and select the portraits they like the very best – or to take a few more if needed. No more will you have to endure an awful portrait on the who-are-we-page.
A great process is nothing without great results. The selection process at the core of the eiokonice platform allows employees to see and select the portraits they like – or to take a few more if needed. No more will you have to endure an awful portrait on the who-are-we-page.
Once the shoot is over, the employee can look at all the portraits on an iPad together with their co-workers and chat about which shot are the absolute best.
So not only is the photosession a fun and informal affair – it also provides valluable feedback and ensures that each person has several portraits they like to choose froom.
These selections form the basis for the retouched images where the photographer ensures that the final result is a truly great and eyecatching portrait that really pops.
All the images are analysed and treated by the advanced AI on the eiokonice platform. Images are cropped and adjusted to ensure a unform expression accross all the portraits in the organisation.
Even if design guides should change – the portraits changes right along with them.
The eikonice platform enables the organisation to have access to any version needed at any time. Even if it’s just a christmas version with a santa hat.
No more waiting for the photographer or some one in marketing to create a new version of a portrait.
The eikonice platform stores the orriginal high resolution images from the photographer. They form the basis for any versions needed.
So if a new version is required, it can be crated for 10, 100 or 1000 people fast and in the best possible quality.
eikonice ensures that you always protect your employees’ privacy and provide full autonomy of their own data adhering to GDPR.
Portraits are considered personal data, and with the easy tagging and filing system you can easily delete any portrait upon request. You can even have the portrait be deleted automatically when the employee no longer works at your company.
Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions or inquiries.
We have gathered the most important tips and tricks in an easy-to-follow guide – dedicated to helping people who need to take great pictures of their co-workers or employees for ID-cards, newsletters or SoMe-purposes. Absolutely free.
Please provide your contact information and we will get back to you regarding a free webinar with a demonstration of the most efficient way to handle corporate portraits.