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LinkedIn Profile Picture

Your LinkedIn profile picture is more than just a snapshot; it’s your virtual handshake with the professional world. As the saying goes, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”. In essence, your LinkedIn profile picture is your digital handshake—a potent tool for professional success. By embracing the principles of a stellar profile picture, you can elevate your online presence, attract more views, and establish trust within your network.

The power of first impression

Your LinkedIn profile picture is your virtual handshake. It’s the first thing potential employers, colleagues, and connections see when they visit your profile. Just like in face-to-face interactions, first impressions matter in the digital realm too. A study by Jobvite found that profiles with a professional photo are 14 times more likely to be viewed than those without one.

Therefore, a well-chosen LinkedIn profile picture conveys professionalism, approachability, and competence. It’s an opportunity to showcase your personal brand. Avoid the pitfalls such as group photos, vacation snapshots, or heavily filtered images. Instead, use a high-resolution, solo portrait where you’re dressed in attire suitable for your industry.

5 reasons to have a great profile picture on your LinkedIn profile
  1. First impressions matter: Your LinkedIn profile picture is often the first thing people see when they visit your profile. A high-quality, professional image creates a positive and memorable first impression, making others more inclined to connect with you and explore your profile further.
  2. Enhances visibility: LinkedIn profiles with professional photos are more likely to appear in search results and receive higher click-through rates. This means that having a great profile picture can increase your visibility on LinkedIn, making it easier for others to discover you.
  3. Builds trust and credibility: A polished and appropriate profile picture conveys professionalism and signals that you take your career seriously. This helps build trust and credibility among potential employers, clients, and colleagues, making them more likely to consider you for opportunities.
  4. Reflects personal branding: Your profile picture is a key component of your personal brand on LinkedIn. It should align with your industry, the image you want to project, and your career goals. A well-chosen picture reinforces your personal brand and sets you apart from the competition.
  5. Engagement and connection: People tend to connect more readily with profiles that have a clear and friendly image. A great LinkedIn portrait makes you approachable and relatable, encouraging others to send connection requests, engage with your content, or reach out for networking opportunities.
The ideal LinkedIn profile picture

A great LinkedIn profile picture should have excellent lighting, a neutral background, and showcase your face clearly. Dress professionally and ensure you’re the focal point of the image. It’s also essential to update your picture regularly to reflect your current appearance. More and more companies are aware of the importance of a good profile picture and therefore organize photo sessions for employees to ensure high quality – and hiring a professional photographer for a polished and impactful image does make a difference.

The consequences of a poorly chosen LinkedIn profile picture can be far-reaching. It might give the impression that you don’t take your professional image seriously or that you’re not up-to-date with the platform’s etiquette.

Building trust and credibility

Your LinkedIn profile is your online resume. A professional picture fosters trust and credibility among your connections. It’s an indicator of your commitment to your career and the platform itself. In conclusion, a well-chosen LinkedIn profile picture is not just a vanity project; it’s a strategic tool for professional success. By avoiding the pitfalls profile picture, you can enhance your online presence, attract more profile views, and establish trust and credibility in your network. Your LinkedIn profile picture is your digital handshake – make it count!

ProMark – case

For ProMark, a Danish software company, the transition from product sales to cloud-based solutions required a fresh approach to branding.
In an era dominated by social media and online interactions, establishing trust and forging connections have become crucial for businesses. Negative reviews and feedback can significantly impact a company’s reputation, making it essential to showcase professionalism and reliability. Employee portraits provide a unique opportunity to humanise a brand and create a sense of authenticity. While traditional branding methods often revolve around products, ProMark understood that their new brand could serve as a powerful tool to involve all stakeholders.

An overlooked opportunity

While product-based companies have a tangible object to serve as a branding focal point, software companies face unique challenges. As software sales shifted from physical boxes to downloads and cloud-based solutions, a new approach to creating a cohesive brand identity became necessary.

One often overlooked opportunity for branding lies in the portrayal of employees. Employee portraits offer a chance to showcase a company’s culture, values, and professionalism to customers, partners, and remote colleagues. Through standardised photography techniques, effective communication, and respect for privacy, ProMark recognised the potential of employee portraits in strengthening their identity and brand.

“Getting streamlined, professional and uniform corporate portraits required an equally professional approach. Eikonice provided that – and saved time and resources in the process.”

Torkel Olrik,
CEO ProMark

Key takeaways from ProMark

Successfully building and implementing a portrait guide as part of the rebranding tought a few valuable lessons
Involve a professional photographer from the get go
Bold and strong? Calm and soothing? Corporate or wild? The valuable sparing and insights from a professional photographer, will form the important basis for the style and design choices that will eventually shape the portrait guide.

The guide starts before the first portrait is taken

To ensure uniformity, the guide should not only describe the final result, but also the way to achieve it. Distances, positions of lights and information about lenses, such as aperture and focal length, are all part of building a setup that can be replicated again and again, as new people join the organisation.

Automation and process is key

After the portrait is taken and approved by the person, a number of different images has to be created to meet the different needs of the organisation. This means different adjustments, crops, colour looks, backgrounds and much more depending on the usecase. Without proper automation, this can be a daunting task. A tool handling and automating the process, such as eikonice, is an absolute necessity.

“The Eikonice platform has given us a much faster, smoother and uniform handling of employee portraits — and greater employee satisfaction in the process”

Kirsten Malmborg Rønne,
Marketing Coordinator

Organisational commitment is a must

To achieve success, the decision to implement a portrait guide as part of the brand, must be rooted in top level management. It is a strategic decision and should be an integral part of the whole branding process. After all, why not include the organisation’s most important assets in the brand?

The people are the brand

As ProMark expanded its operations globally, corporate portraits played an important role in fostering a sense of unity among employees. By treating all employees equally and including them in the process, ProMark build a brand which included a shared identity, thus transcending geographical boundaries. Through standardised photography techniques, effective communication, and respect for privacy, ProMark ensured that every employee portrait reflected the company’s values and message.

Long-term benefits

ProMark successfully integrated employee photography into their onboarding process. By capturing professional portraits of all new hires from day one, ProMark emphasised their commitment to building a strong corporate identity and made employees feel valued as active team members. This strategic approach not only fostered a sense of belonging but also set the tone for a consistent and compelling representation of the team in the future. As ProMark embarked on its journey to become an international player, corporate portraits were an element in their success.

From local to global

Through consistent imagery, efficient processes, and a focus on their values, ProMark showcased their professionalism, reliability, and commitment to excellence. As a result, ProMark’s transition from a local Danish software company to a global workforce management leader was bolstered by including corporate portraits in their rebranding.

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Free e-book

Learn how to take great corporate portraits

We have gathered the most important tips and tricks in an easy-to-follow guide – dedicated to helping people who need to take great pictures of their co-workers or employees for ID-cards, newsletters or SoMe-purposes. Absolutely free.


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Please provide your contact information and we will get back to you regarding a free webinar with a demonstration of the most efficient way to handle corporate portraits.