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Generation Z

A whole new generation is entering the job market. Gen Z is markedly different from previous generations in their way of thinking and processing, and therefore a new and modernized approach to onboarding is needed. All companies need to take into account these differences and ensure that the company offers an onboarding process that is tailored to Gen Z. This may mean a more technologically advanced and flexible approach to onboarding, that is tailored to their preferred communication methods and work style.

For example, they have a shorter attention span and want a more interactive and engaging onboarding process with a motivating flow. A modernized approach to onboarding can therefore include a more interactive and game-based approach to getting to know the company.

Gen Z is also more likely to choose employers who have a strong corporate culture and a positive impact on society. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the company communicates its corporate culture and values in a way that appeals to Gen Z.

Pre-boarding take on a whole new perspective

A modernized approach to onboarding also means that the pre-boarding phase needs to be adjusted and take on a different role. The period between hiring a new employee and their first day on the job gives the company an opportunity to build relationship with the new employee and prepare them for their upcoming role and responsibilities. Gen Z, will be open to this in a new way than previous generations.

In the pre-boarding phase, a modernized approach may include sending welcome emails to the existing team and the new employee introducing each other and inform organization’s culture, and providing the new employees access to resources and tools they will need in their role. These meassures can help create a sense of belonging to the company even before the new employee’s first day on the job.

“…This generation has grown up with instant access to information, entertainment, and communication. As a result, they have developed a very different set of skills than their predecessors…”

Neil Howe, demographer and co-author of “Generations: The History of America’s Future, 1584 to 2069”

Gen Z is technology oriented and wants a more flexible and digital approach to work. Therefore, pre-boarding should include the use of digital tools and platforms, such as a virtual tour of the company’s facilities, an online onboarding process, and a mobile-friendly approach to communication and access to information. It could involve offering new employees access to mentorship programs and peer-to-peer networks that can help them integrate into the organization and learn more about their role and responsibilities.

The employee portrait support a personalised employee journey from before day one

Never miss an employee portrait in the onboarding phase. The personal portrait is one of the  most valuable assets for the employee and the company should recognize this, by implementing, a  structured and professional process. It would be of great value to both the company and the employee, if the employee is proud of their portrait and will use it in on private platforms like Linkedin. Eikonice helps companies to have a well structured process and ensure better and more consistent quality of the portraits on all the company  digital platforms. With the digitalization and the presence of Gen Z – employee portraits are becoming more and more important.

Limit the resources used in HR for maintaining up-to-date and professional portraits. Eikonice secures easy delivery and management of employee portraits no matter the location of the individual employee. Eikonice is an AI-driven and hassle-free way of handling corporate portraits – directly from your phone – or any other camera. Utilise the latest camera technology on your mobile phone to provide high quality portraits of your employees from before day one.


Case: Merger – Jyske Bank

Always focus
on people

Portraits have always been prioritised as an important part of onboarding at Jyske Bank

Our focus is on establishing a new culture among the many new Jyske Bank employees and ensuring consolidation of Jyske Bank as a corporate brand both internally and externally. It's about welcoming the new employees and making them feel part of the Jyske Bank team as quickly as possible
Jens Skov
Director, Head of Events & Partnerships

Mergers represent an enormous change for employees and the corporate culture is often neglected.
That’s not the case for Jyske Bank

Jyske Bank is the 2nd largest Danish bank and in December 2022 Jyske Bank and Handelsbanken announced the agreement on the acquisition of Handelsbanken’s activities in Denmark.

The work of integrating  Handelsbanken Danish activities into Jyske Bank was initiated immediately. Jyske Bank aimed at implementing their standards, procedure and systems as quickly as possible. In this process, – and as one of the first things – Jyske Bank has prioritised the making of new portraits for over 600 employees at 42 locations in Denmark – all former Handelsbanken employees.

These portraits are incorporated on all Jyske Bank’s internal and external platforms, the website, business cards and much more. Portraits shot by a professional photographer, is a part of the onboarding process for all the new employees.

For Jyske Bank, corporate branding is increasingly about establishing a common culture, where onboarding is an important tool to ensure the retention and recruitment of employees. Likewise, it is of course also about the more classic arguments behind the establishment of a corporate brand, such as securing a good image and corporate governance.

A clear focus on the employees in the merger between Jyske Bank and Handelsbanken

The arguments for prioritising the employee portrait early in the phase for Jyske Bank, has been twofold. Rational technical advantages, such as efficiency, branding and systems, as well as the softer emotional values focusing on the employees.

Rational arguments:


When the new employees see their co-workers’ faces, it will help them identify and connect with their team members. This will make it easier to navigate the organisation and find the right person to contact for specific tasks.


The employee portraits is used on all Jyske Bank’s platforms, and they will thus help create a unified culture where all employees feel part of the same organisation. It will also strengthen the bank’s branding, as it sends a signal that all employees are part of Jyske Bank.


Having all the employee portraits in a standardised form will make it easier to integrate the former Handelsbanken employees into Jyske Bank. It will also make it easier for customers and business partners to understand their personal contact is now part of Jyske Bank.

Emotional arguments:


By prioritising the employee portraits, Jyske Bank shows that they value all employees in the organisation equally and that the former Handelsbanken employees has checked in to the bank. This creates a sense of cohesion and belonging among all employees.


By making new employee portraits, Jyske Bank also shows respect for the former Handelsbanken employees and their individual identities. This shows that Jyske Bank wants to get to know them and that they are willing to invest time and resources in integrating them into the organisation.


The employee portraits can also help to create a positive culture in the organisation. Seeing the faces of the people you work with can create a feeling of being part of a team. It can also help break down prejudices and create a more open and inclusive work culture.

Over 600 new employees in 42 different locations

Over the past few years, Jyske Bank has used the Eikonice platform in their monthly onboarding activities with a high degree of employee satisfaction. It was therefore natural for Jyske Bank to use Eikonice to solve the task of photographing their new employee and have the portraits delivered quickly and efficiently to Jyske Bank’s systems, as well as to the employees.

A unique workflow

The Eikonice automated workflow is starting with the planner – it handles all the planning of photo sessions, no matter how many people or locations, for that matter. The planning tool ensures that the process is efficient and involves the employees in all steps of the process.

The Eikonice planner has flexibility at its core and employees have the opportunity to plan their portrait timeslot to match the rest of their workday. They can book, cancel and change their timeslot as the need arises and any free timeslots are immediately available to those, for employees who have not already booked. All the necessary communication is handled automatically and the planner informs about any changes and sends calendar bookings and SMS reminders to all employees. The icing on the cake – the planner can send the final photoplan with all necessary information directly to the photographer. It doesn’t get any easier.

It has been very smooth – there is really no reason not to get started
Nathalie Puvis de Chavannes
Direktionssekretær (former PA, Handelsbanken)

Eikonice support the onboarding process

Employee portraits have always been a high priority for Jyske Bank. It has been a regular part of the onboarding process, that all employees were photographed in connection with the onboarding program for new employees. During the Covid-19 shutdown, Jyske Bank had to rethink the onboarding process, including how employee portrait should be processed in the future.

In this connection, Jyske Bank was presented with Eikonice, a solution that provides greater flexibility around the photo session and at the same time a faster and more efficient processing of all the portraits. And Eikonice, ensures an integrated workflow in accordance with GDPR – with photo planning, automatic colour correction and cropping according to company guidelines with an automatic upload to all digital platforms.

Overall, the prioritisation of the employee portraits will help to create a more efficient and cohesive organisation, while at the same time creating a positive and inclusive culture in Jyske Bank.


Eikonice has full integration for Microsoft/365 and Google Workspace – and with an open API, we provide full integration to all major HR systems, like Workday, SuccessFactors and others. In terms of integration, Eikonice is very flexible and can also be used in a semi-automated way – and still give the company the full advantage, when it comes to gain efficiency and GDPR compliance. Full integration means that Eikonice stays updated via the company ADD or HR system. Upload of portraits to the company website and other digital platforms is done directly.

For implementation of the full integrated Eikonice solution, we recommend to start in the IT-department to fully understand the IT-architecture and how the use of Eikonice can be optimized, within the existing structure.

But in a Semi-automated solution, Eikonice will simply act as an external platform supporting the portrait planning, handling and photo processing. Integration to Eikonice will be done through uploads from excel/csv files and bulk downloads of final portraits to the companys Digital Asset Management system or filesystem. In this way, Eikonice will still be an important and effective tool for creating increased efficiency and savings, in relation to the current company way of working.

The power of API

Businesses should embrace the power of APIs to help them reach their digital transformation and drive organizational innovation. The growth potential of the market shows that many enterprises are eager to embrace true agility and modularity. To do so, companies should prepare themselves by developing strong security practices within their IT teams to minimize potential threats and maximize potential gains.

APIs serve as the building blocks for today’s modern web applications, quickly connecting discrete services and enabling digital transformation efforts for enterprises and small-to-medium sized businesses. They’ve become especially appealing as organizations continue to be in constant search for ways to leverage their data, improve customer experience, expand offering and build a strong internal culture.

Eikonice is ready for the future – are you?

With the flexibility and open API approach Eikonice fits perfectly into any company, offering configuration options instead of expensive, customer-specific development.

Eikonice platform are a ISAE3000 certified data processor ready for a reliable expansion option that adds value to the existing IT landscapes of many companies – with an attractive total cost. And we are constantly focusing on offering more modern integration options to improve flexibility and agility.

Home Office

Working from home or remote working creates a need for companies to establish a digital environment that gets employees to feel part of the team from day one. Companies are well structured to deliver HW and home office equipment for remote working and the profile picture should be an integrated part of all digital platforms. The employee portrait is a unique way for companies to demonstrate their company values internally and externally.

Digitalisation has been on the agenda for years, but the pandemic accelerated the development and within a very short timeframe it has changed our lives dramatically in many ways, including the way we work. It has affected the way we shop on-line, use technology, our work-life balance and the future of flexible working. Businesses and individuals, have all been affected – one way or another – by the pandemic. While we know that many businesses have had an extremely difficult time, some businesses have managed to turn their fortunes around. In fact, many businesses are enjoying some very positive changes that have come out of the situation. One example of this is the hybrid workplace and many companies are taking steps towards hybrid working environments, where teams can work both remotely and in the office.

This means that workplaces are being distributed across offices and homes, and employees have the freedom to choose how they work. For companies to successfully work in this new way, they must be “virtually” ready. Leaders must know how to effectively onboard, manage, train and evaluate in this reality – and secondly the technology must be in place to enable virtual working.

With hybrid workplaces, remote communications are an area of technology that businesses are being forced to embrace. This means cloud storage is used for data and security measures in place for different modes of working.

A supportive culture is vital for motivation and engagement

Many companies are taking a second look at how they onboard new employees to create a meaningful, welcoming and inclusive moment that prepares them for their future in the company with a hybrid workplace.

For decades, we have been engrained to believe that nine-to-five-office-time was the best thing for business. As employees have been forced to work from home, and companies have had to embrace this change, we’re experiencing a change in productivity and employee freedom.

This shift in working life has encouraged businesses to take only the best parts of office culture, and free employees from inefficient processes and bad habits. Leaders are switching their focus from office culture to a more supportive culture, with a new focus on how to improve the lives of employees while still getting the best from them.

In order to be able to deliver an efficient onboarding, employee portraits is needed – especially in a hybrid workplace environment. Therefore companies’ use of portraits today is multifaceted and with the increasing digitalisation in a post pandemic era – employee portraits has become much more important, but also more complicated and time consuming for companies to handle. And Eikonice is on mission to change that.

The History of Portraits

Probably the most iconic portrait in the world is created by Leonardo da Vinci – and we don’t have to say more, you know already, that it’s Mona Lisa. The portrait was painted more than 500 years ago and is considered to be the best known, most visited, most written about, most sung about and most parodied work of art in the world. Da Vinci used a different technique than many other painters. Instead of hard and very realistic lines, da Vinci used soft and blended brush strokes. While the Mona Lisa is an incredible painting with her playful smile and expressive eyes, this painting probably got most of its notability due to its infamous theft in 1911.

The art of portraits goes much more then 500 years back. For as long as humans has drawn – portraits has existed. Portrait paintings goes at least 5,000 years back in time to ancient Egypt, but one could wonder if it goes even further back in time – since the longing to carry an image of one’s loved ones lies deep in the human nature.

Modern art

Throughout the history of art, the portrait has evolved through many stages. In the early days, portraits was often used simply as a way to represent the person and the institution behind. In our time the artistic portrait has evolved to fulfill many roles and sources of inspiration. This is also because the photographic technique now represents the exact reproduction, so the painted portrait must capture moods and personality to a greater extent to stay relevant.

Whatever the subject might be, the portrait attempts to reveal the true expression of the face, to capture the emotion of the moment, which otherwise would be lost forever.

In the early 1900s artists began exploring the inner psyche of their sitter, more so than their facial features or expressions. Portraiture emerged as an exploration into human psychology, with artists such as Matisse and Picasso playing with colour, line, and form like never before.

In the mid 1900s, portrait artistry began to become less popular – instead making way for abstract and conceptual arts. In the 1960s, however, artists such as Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein brought portraits back in focus with the introduction of pop art. And just like Mona Lisa – we can all imagine the portraits of Marilyn Monroe from Warhol’s Factory.

Visualising Company values with Employee portraits

Today, companies use mostly photographic portraits when the employees of the company are shown to stakeholders. Portraits are important to everybody, and they help transform companies from a faceless business to a corporate brand of real people – people to whom you can relate. Best example of an iconic portrait done by a photographer recently is the picture of Steve jobs shot in 2006 by Albert Watson.

With the increasing digitalisation, employee portraits has become much more important – but also more complicated and time consuming for organisations to handle. And Eikonice is on mission to change that. In broad sense the use of portraits today is multifaceted – employee portraits for identification or presentation. Our platform introduces digital automation for both reasons to an area with thousands of years history.


The General Data Protection Regulation act, better known as GDPR, has defined personal data and a number of requirements for companies collecting, storing and managing personal data. Personal data is any information about an identified or identifiable person.

Portraits are considered a part of personal biometric data and categorized in the group of sensitive personal data. With the increasing use surveillance and security system, the use of face-detection systems is attracting more and more focus. It is expected that privacy around portraits will get a much higher attention when it comes to future revisions of the regulations and when companies are being GDPR autited by external companies.

Requirements for the company

With the increasing digitalization and use of portraits in many different company platforms, managing and handling employee portraits it has become much more critical for the company to comply with GDPR.

The Company has the obligation to:
  • Collect individual employee consent for the company to use their portraits on marketing material, on web-sties and in internal systems.
  • Manage change of consent from the employee during the employee journey
  • Respond to request from the employee to identify where portraits are used
  • Respond to request from the employee to delete portraits in all company systems.
  • Manage individual employee consent for the company to use their portraits on marketing material, on web-sties and in internal systems.
  • Manage change of consent from the employee during the employee journey
  • Respond to request from the employee to delete portraits in all company systems, when the employee leaves the company.
In order to be GDPR compliant the company should therefore evaluate:

Where are the portraits stored – on a local PC or a central storage? Is storage made on a shared drive where everybody has access to the individual portraits? How do the company protect privacy and avoid copying and distribution? Are the portraits stored with at filename of the person? In which systems are they used? Does the company have consent from everybody and how do you keep track of this? How is the consent list updated when a new employee start or an existing employee leave the company or the organization. When using external photographers, does the photographer have systems and processes in place to handle portraits in compliance with GDPR, from photoshoot through processing and delivery.

Many systems will have their own functionality to support the system related GDPR compliance issues, but it is a tedious and time consuming task, to keep track on portraits across different systems and in different locations.

GDPR compliance through-out the employee journey

In terms of integration, Eikonice is very flexible and can be used in a semi-automated way – and still give the company the full advantage, when it comes to GDPR compliance. Full integration means that Eikonice stays updated via the company ADD or HR system. Upload of portraits to the company website and other digital platforms is done directly. For implementation of the integrated eikonice solution we need to have a dialogue with the IT-department to understand the IT-architecture and how we optimize the use of Eikonice. But in a Semi-automated solution, Eikonice will simply act as an external support for your photo processing – and integration to Eikonice will be done through uploads from excel/csv files and bulk downloads of final portraits to your server. In this way, Eikonice will still be an important and effective tool for you creating increased efficiency and savings, in relation to your current way of working.

New Identity – Moalem Weitemeyer

They are also a way to make employees feel part of the team – we are building a common culture and brand.

When you are in the people business, it is essential to master the gap between the overall brand identity of the company while offering each and every employee the opportunity to show their own personality, within the company’s framework.
In connection with the name change to Moalem Weitemeyer, the Tier 1 corporate law firm wanted to mark the change by developing a new visual design for the company. It provided an opportunity to revitalize the corporate brand – leading to a new visual identity.

Barbara Holden Lockhart, Head of Communications & Engagement at Moalem Weitemeyer says: “People are our most important asset. Therefore, it was important for us to involve employees in the development of our new corporate identity and to engage them in the implementation of it. Portraits became a visual component in driving employee engagement.

Deciding the background colour for an employee’s portrait is a collaboration process with that specific employee. We believe that the individual’s personality must have a place within our overall corporate identity”.

One team – many players

The corporate identity defines a range of colours, and in this case, there is no primary colour. They are all equal. This vision also applies when it comes to the firm’s employees. There is great focus on unity because all functions have their role to play in securing the daily life at the office and the firm’s success. Therefore, all employees are represented on the website – with a portrait, but also with contact information, background data and a link to their LinkedIn profile. We want to be accessible and modern – in a classic professional way.

Personality reflected in portrait

A classic cropping of the portrait has been deliberately chosen. To add additional personality, employees are, as mentioned above, part of the decision process regarding the background colour for their portrait. A feature emphasizing diversity, which is an important value for the company.

At the moment, the portraits are used on the website, intranet, campaigns and as part of pitches, presenting the specific team for a project. Additionally, employees use the portraits on LinkedIn along with a company cover illustration matching the background of the portrait.

In the end Barbara Holden Lockhart sums it all up by saying “Portraits are important to everybody, and they help transform companies from a faceless business to a corporate brand of real people – people to whom our clients can relate. They are also a way to make employees feel part of the team ‒ we are building a common culture and brand. And when you are in the people business, it is essential to master the gap between the overall brand identity of the company while offering each and every employee the opportunity to show their own personality, within the company’s framework”.

Company Culture

To engage and motivate employees can be accomplished in many different ways, but the development and implementation of an improved culture depends on the will, ability and behaviour of the overall management. It’s that simple.

Since table football took its place in the hip companies and start-ups, a lot has happened. Diversity has become a goal for a healthy work environment in startups and established companies.

There is no better way to demonstrate diversity than by simply showing your people. Thus the corporate portraits have become an important tool in the way you describe and profilerate your organisation.

Portraits are a powerfull instrument in the employer-branding toolbox. They can capture a person’s unique quirks and individuality – and showcase an organisation’s diversity and personality.

Employee portraits transform organisations from a faceless entity to a corporate brand consisting of real people with whom your clients can relate. But further it makes people feel part of the team; it builds and supports the common culture and brand.

Eikonice help execute the HR strategy: demonstrate diversity, deliver engagement

With the increasing digitalisation and the growing number of platforms and systems, managing employee portraits has not only become much more important, but also more complicated and time-consuming. By automating all aspects of the process, we eliminate internal handling and reduce cost – but more importantly, we facilitate employee involvement as well as provide executive overview and GDPR compliance.

On-boarding happens immediately with our mobile app – and makes the portrait available in all touch points from the first day. That’s how to welcome new people and make them fell as a part of the team from the very beginning.

It is essential to maintain the overall corporate identity as well as to enable employees to express their personality within the company’s framework. Our automation garantees that all portraits comply fully with the chosen standards.

A picture is worth a thousand words, but shows only a fraction of the entire organisation. The many portraits provide the full picture of a unified team.

Dressed for succes

Treat people, for what they are – the most important asset of the company. They not only deserve it, but it actually also helps to create increased employee engagement and loyalty. Employee portraits could play a major role in this, because it gives companies the possibility of treating them as “stars”. A portrait is a highly personal thing, so instead of being sent into a cabin, the company has the opportunity to make it a personal experience. It’s about staging the personality of the employees through guidance and professionalism – or simply; to be seen as a VIP.


It is important to look great

Beautiful people are hardly happier. But high quality portraits help build greater self-esteem. The feeling that your company actually cares about you and makes an effort in the way they present you makes you feel appreciated – and this builds loyalty towards the company. The sense of “looking great” ensures a confident appearance – this has always been equally important, in private life as well as in work life. Successful companies are focused on strengthening their “employer branding” and the corporate portrait is an important element in this. They know that it makes a visible difference on the bottom line. When the employee’s act as ambassadors for the company and its products, the overall reputation of the company grows – and so does sales.


Increase engagement  through automation

With the increasing digitalisation and the growing number of platforms and systems, managing employee portraits has not only become much more important, but also more complicated and time-consuming. By automating all aspects of the process, Eikonice eliminates internal handling and reduces cost – but even better, we facilitate employee involvement as well as executive overview and GDPR compliance. On-boarding of  people will happen immediately with our mobile app and make the portrait available in all touch points from the first day. Thats how to welcome new people and make them fell as a part of the team from the very beginning.

Trends post corona

Automation will in the coming year become an increasingly mainstream concept for all industries. Driven by trends such as personalization and customer journeys, demands for transparency in companies’ use of data and new technologies. Marketing automation is not a new concept, but many of the things that characterize this area of marketing will in the coming years see a shift towards greater use of customer data and a democratization of new technologies such as machine learning and AI. In the future automation will move on and we will see it play a role between several disciplines. Eikonice is an example of this and we offer simplicity through digital automation in the area between Facility Management, Marketing and Human Resource.


Trend 1: New areas due to corona

The pandemic has brought in constraints in human interaction due to health concerns, which has rocked the foundations of human interaction prior corona. Contactless and touch less mechanisms of consumer and employee interaction will therefore gain more adoption in 2021. Public touchscreens is not anymore a big thing. This trend extends the application of automation technologies to the areas requiring human-to-human contact, which can refine the overall customer experience.


Trend 2: Reduce complexity

Automating yesterday’s problems was yesterday’s mind-set. Automating tomorrow’s growth is today’s future. These words express the background for why automation is going from a focus of efficiency to in a greater extend create simplicity. Automation tend to be discussed in tandem with efficiency, but another dimension need to be added and that’s simplicity. Simplicity in processes, in people’s jobs and in overall workflows for companies. It’s al about reduce complexity.


Trend 3: More orchestration by automation

Now that the lowest-hanging fruit has been harvested on the efficiency tree, it’s time to take a more holistic approach for automation – that’s why the new black in automation will be “Orchestration”. Simply put, orchestration can make IT operation and maintenance more efficient and gain efficiency across different disciplines. It takes automation further – bringing it all together.

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Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions or inquiries.

Free e-book

Learn how to take great corporate portraits

We have gathered the most important tips and tricks in an easy-to-follow guide – dedicated to helping people who need to take great pictures of their co-workers or employees for ID-cards, newsletters or SoMe-purposes. Absolutely free.


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Please provide your contact information and we will get back to you regarding a free webinar with a demonstration of the most efficient way to handle corporate portraits.