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The evolution of corporate photography

The evolution of corporate photography mirrors the dramatic changes in technology and society over the past few decades. From static, formal portraits to dynamic digital images integrated into advanced security systems, the transformation is profound. Eikonice is at the forefront of this shift, employing cutting-edge automation and AI to revolutionize how corporate portraits are managed.

The Origins of Corporate Photography

Corporate photography began as a tool for identification and branding, with portraits of executives and key personnel adorning the walls of businesses and published in annual reports. Initially, these images were crafted by professional photographers using film cameras, requiring significant skill in both shooting and processing the photographs. The distribution was limited to physical prints, reflecting the technological constraints of the time.

The advent of digital photography marked a significant pivot in corporate photography. Suddenly, images could be captured, edited, and distributed globally with unprecedented speed and minimal cost. The rise of the internet and social media platforms like LinkedIn further emphasized the need for every employee to have a digital portrait. This era saw a shift towards more casual and approachable corporate imagery, reflecting broader social changes towards informality and accessibility. 

Integration with IAM and the Advent of Biometrics

As digital landscapes evolved, so too did the need for robust security measures. Corporate photography found a new role within Identity and Access Management (IAM) systems, where employee portraits are used for identification and to enhance security protocols with biometric data. This integration demands greater precision and consistency in photographic quality, something that Eikonice’s automated solutions facilitate efficiently, ensuring GDPR compliance and safeguarding personal data.

We harnesses AI to automate the entire workflow of handling corporate portraits—from capturing to editing and uploading high-resolution images on all company platforms. This automation cuts costs, reduces the scope for human error, and ensures a consistent brand image across all digital platforms. The future of corporate photography likely holds further advancements in AI and machine learning, continuing to evolve the ways in which corporate identities are crafted and secured.

Dive into the future

Eikonice is reshaping corporate photography, making it smarter, more secure, and seamlessly integrated with the latest digital trends. We are at the forefront of this evolution and our innovative cloud-based solutions automate the entire workflow of handling corporate portraits. This not only ensures GDPR compliance but also enhances efficiency and cuts costs. And the truth is that the future will only get wilder with more options – so stay tuned with Eikonice.

The transformation from “nice to have” to “must have” in corporate photography has been driven by technological advancements and changing social norms. Eikonice stands at the cutting edge of this evolution, providing solutions that streamline processes, enhance security, and maintain compliance. As we look forward, the integration of further technological innovations will undoubtedly continue to revolutionize this essential aspect of corporate identity.

The role of AI in photography

Traditionally, managing employee portraits has been a manual and labor-intensive process involving photographers, editors, and IT staff, which often results in high costs and inconsistent quality. However, the integration of AI into these processes is swiftly changing the landscape. In the short term, AI technologies offer significant improvements in efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Eikonice automate everything from scheduling photo sessions to editing and uploading final high-resolution images, ensuring GDPR compliance without human intervention.

Looking ahead, AI is set to further innovate by personalizing photography experiences and integrating more seamlessly with other digital workplace tools. Future advancements may include AI-driven analytics to optimize portrait styles based on job roles or industry standards. Today, Eikonice offers a cloud-based solution exemplifies these advancements, eliminating manual editing and adjustments, which traditionally consume considerable time and resources.

5 AI trends – influence the use of photography

These trends highlight the growing integration of AI in various aspects of photography, transforming how images are created, managed, and utilized across different industries.

  1. Automated image editing and enhancement
    AI technologies are increasingly capable of automatically editing photographs by adjusting lighting, color balance, and even composing elements within the image to create more visually appealing results. This can significantly reduce the time and expertise required for photo editing.
  2. Facial recognition and tagging
    AI can automate the process of identifying and tagging individuals in photographs, which is particularly useful in managing large databases of employee portraits or customer photos. The technology can help streamline processes like attendance tracking, security, and personalization of user experiences.
  3. Authenticity and Trust Through Genuine Portraits
    As digital interactions become more prevalent, authentic human portraits are gaining value as a means of fostering trust and accessibility. Genuine, high-quality portraits can convey professionalism and a personal touch, enhancing human interaction even in digital spaces. This trend underscores the importance of “entering a new human era”, where a genuine portrait can serve as a key indicator of reliability and personal engagement.
  4. AI-driven Analytics for Audience Engagement
    AI can analyze photographs to determine which images are more likely to engage specific audiences. This trend is particularly relevant in marketing and social media, where companies use AI insights to select images that increase engagement, enhance ad performance, and improve customer interactions.
  5. Enhanced Realism in Virtual and Augmented Reality
    AI is improving the realism of virtual and augmented reality experiences by enhancing the quality and detail of photographic content used in these environments. This trend is significant for training simulations, virtual tours, and interactive learning, where lifelike imagery is crucial.
The value of authenticity

While avatars — digitally created representations of individuals — are becoming popular, particularly in virtual environments, they lack the personal touch and uniqueness of human portraits. Human portraits carry intrinsic value in maintaining personal connection and authenticity in corporate environments. They help in building trust and a relatable corporate image. We leverage AI to ensure these portraits are not only efficiently managed but also maintain high quality and consistency, aligning with corporate branding guidelines without losing the personal and genuine touch.

With AI, companies can now use employee portraits more strategically for branding and can adjust images to fit various platforms while maintaining uniformity in style and quality. It also plays a crucial role in security and GDPR compliance, ensuring that all images are handled according to legal standards, with enhanced capabilities for data protection.

We’re redefining corporate portraits

AI is not just transforming portrait photography – it’s setting a new standard for how we view and manage professional images in the corporate world. Companies like Eikonice are at the helm of this revolution, proving that when it comes to innovation, the lens of AI is both a tool and a visionary. Just like Adobe’s vision – we focus on improving the user experience and increasing productivity by automating routine tasks and offering advanced creative tools. Their goal is to make the technology both accessible and useful and with the increasing use of AI and digitalisation, employee portraits has become much more important – but also more complicated and time consuming for organisations to handle the old way. And Eikonice is on a mission to change that – we are the smart way.

Integrating photography in IAM processes

The concept of Identity and Access Management (IAM) has been evolving for several decades, with its roots tracing back to the early days of computing and network security. While the formal term “IAM” may not have been widely used until more recent years, the principles and practices underlying IAM have been present since the emergence of digital systems. Managing identities and access rights within organizations has become increasingly complex. With the proliferation of digital platforms and the growing emphasis on data security and compliance, the need for effective IAM solutions has never been greater. And it refers to the set of processes, policies, and technologies used to manage digital identities and control access to resources within an organization. At its core, IAM is about ensuring that the right individuals have access to the right resources at the right time, while also preventing unauthorized access and safeguarding sensitive information. Key components of IAM include identity provisioning, authentication, authorization, and identity governance.

Where to start?

Getting started with IAM implementation involves several steps. Firstly, organizations need to assess their current IAM capabilities and identify areas for improvement. This involves conducting a comprehensive audit of existing identity and access management practices, systems, and policies. Next, organizations should define their IAM strategy, including goals, objectives, and success metrics. This may involve establishing roles and responsibilities, defining access policies, and selecting appropriate IAM technologies and vendors.

The need for IAM arises in various scenarios, including:

  • Managing user identities across multiple systems and applications
  • Enforcing access controls and policies to protect sensitive data
  • Ensuring compliance with industry regulations such as GDPR
  • Streamlining user provisioning and deprovisioning processes
  • Enhancing security and mitigating risks associated with unauthorized access and data breaches

In recent years, there have been several notable trends and innovations in the field of IAM. One such trend is the adoption of digital ID cards and biometric authentication methods. Digital ID cards provide a convenient and secure way for employees to access physical and digital resources, while biometric authentication methods, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, offer an additional layer of security and convenience.

The Role of Employee Portraits in IAM

Employee portraits play a crucial role in enhancing the personalization and effectiveness of IAM solutions. By incorporating employee portraits into IAM workflows, organizations can create a more engaging and user-friendly experience for employees. Additionally, employee portraits help to improve security and compliance by ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive resources. Eikonice’s cloud-based solution automates the entire process of managing employee portraits, from the initial photo session to the final upload of colour adjusted and cropped high-resolution photos on all company platforms. This not only streamlines workflows and eliminates manual processes but also cuts costs and ensures GDPR compliance. Furthermore, it ensures that employee portraits can be updated with a higher frequency without additional effort – so key cards with 10-year-old portraits are a thing of the past. The system automatically reminds you when it is time for a new and well-liked portrait

From employee cost to a strategic tool

In conclusion, leveraging employee portraits for enhanced engagement in IAM systems is not just a matter of convenience—it’s a strategic imperative for modern organizations. By embracing innovative solutions companies can streamline processes, improve security, and create a more personalized experience for employees. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the importance of IAM in safeguarding identities and access rights will only continue to grow.

Press Release April 2024

4 års kamp med Skattestyrelsen er afsluttet for den danske virksomhed, Eikonice, der har vundet en betydningsfuld sag i Landsskatteretten vedrørende skattekreditordningen.

Virksomheden anmodede for skatteårene 2016-2018 om refusion af omkostninger efter skattekreditordningen som led i udvikling af et IT-system til billedbehandling baseret på AI. Efter modtagelse af ansøgningen for 2018 indledte Skattestyrelsen en undersøgelse af Eikonice og afviste anvendelse af ordningen for alle tre år; og Eikonice stod derfor for at betale alle udbetalte beløb tilbage med tillæg af renter.

Eikonice klagede over afgørelsen og efter et overordentligt komplekst og langstrakt forløb har Landsskatteretten nu – 4 år efter klagetidspunktet og 8 år efter det første relevante indkomstår – givet Eikonice fuldt medhold i sagen og derved tilsidesat Skattestyrelsens afgørelse.

Eikonices administrerende direktør og grundlægger, Jørgen Bødker, udtaler:

“Det handler om, at SKAT ønsker at etablere præcedens, men for os som start-up handler det om, at vi mister tid og fokus, hvilket er det mest dyrebare for iværksættere. I dag har vi vundet, og det er selvfølgelig en god følelse, men jeg kan ikke lade være med at tænke på, hvor meget længere vi kunne være nået, hvis vi havde brugt vores tid og penge på udvikling af Eikonice. Fakta er, at denne sag har forhindret os i at starte en scale-up proces og at SKAT har gjort det umuligt for os at udvikle vores markedspotentiale de sidste 4 år.”

En berygtet skattefælde

Skattekreditordningen blev indført med virkning fra 2012 med det formål at sikre danske virksomheders investering i forskning og udvikling for dermed øge den danske konkurrenceevne. Kreditten udbetales til underskudsgivende virksomheder og har derfor en væsentlig likviditetsmæssig betydning for start-ups og vækstvirksomheder.

Tusindvis af danske virksomheder har investeret i udvikling i forventning om udnyttelse af ordningen. Skattestyrelsen har imidlertid håndteret reglerne meget restriktivt, hvilket har givet anledning til omfattende kritik. Flere organisationer og rådgivere har anbefalet virksomhederne direkte at undlade at anvende skattekreditordningen på grund af den medfølgende usikkerhed og meget restriktive tolkning.

Netop de virksomheder, som har gjort brug af skattekreditordningen, er i en særligt udsat økonomisk fase, og bliver derfor ramt ekstra hårdt, når de flere år efter mødes med tilbagebetalingskrav fra Skattestyrelsen og mange virksomheder opfatter tilbagebetalingskravene som dybt urimelige.

Claus Pilgård, advokat hos Nielsen Nørager Advokatpartnerselskab, har bistået Eikonice klagesagen ved Landsskatteretten. Om udfordringerne for de enkelte virksomheder fortæller han:

”Det er tilnærmelsesvist umuligt for softwareudviklerne at dokumentere, at udviklingen kan karakteriseres som ’forsøg- og forskning’. Og det blev kun sværere efter at Østre Landsret i september sidste år tilsidesatte en tidligere lempelig fortolkning, som Landsskatteretten i enkelte tilfælde havde anlagt i relation til softwareudvikling. Det var derfor med stor glæde, vi fik nyheden om, at Landsskatteretten gav Eikonice fuldt medhold, særligt fordi Landsskatteretten er enige med os i, at det ikke bare er Eikonices teknologiudvikling – men også Eikonines videreudvikling af en standard webshop – som kan være omfattet af ordningen.”

Yderligere uddybning eller kommentarer

For yderligere kommentarer kontakt venligst:

Jørgen Bødker, CEO / +45 21 74 03 05  jorgen.bodker@eikonice.com

Dual purpose

AI is transforming the way we handle many work-related tasks and the HR strategy is not an exeption to this. Employee portraits are not merely decorative elements on a website, in email signatures, or HR platforms; they serve as invaluable tools for building and strengthening business relationships and internal culture. For companies utilizing employee portraits, establishing a policy for their use, including defining the frequency of updates due to the importance of GDPR, is imperative to ensure that outdated images are not inadvertently used.

Presenting employees is building trust

Employee portraits are the gateway to a company’s professional image. They reflect an aura of organization and care, providing customers and stakeholders with the impression that the company is dedicated to presenting itself in an orderly manner. This is critical for making a first impression that says, “we are professional and reliable.”

However, it’s not just about professionalism. Portraits are also a means of expressing a company’s culture and values. They can showcase the diversity within the workforce or highlight the qualities of employees that the company wishes to emphasize. This creates an identity and connects employees with the company’s mission and values.

Effective employee presentation entails:

  1. Trust and relationships: Through these portraits, customers and stakeholders can see the faces behind the company, building trust and personal connections. This positively impacts customer relationships and business connections.
  2. Branding and culture: These images can express a company’s culture and values, showcasing diversity or emphasizing specific employee qualities.
  3. Employee engagement: Inclusion of employee portraits in company documents and websites can enhance employee engagement, making them feel valued and recognized by the company.
Identifying employees is security

In addition to presentation, employee portraits play a vital role in employee identification. In industries where security and access control are crucial, these photos are essential for ensuring easy and precise identification at the workplace.

Moreover, identification make it easier for employees to recognize each other, fostering efficient communication and collaboration. They save time and resources by helping colleagues and customers identify the right person to contact.

Identifying employees offers numerous advantages:

  1. Security: Identification photos are indispensable in industries where security is paramount, making it easier to identify employees accurately at the workplace.
  2. Access control: In large organizations or areas with restricted access, identification photos are necessary to control and monitor access to specific areas.
  3. Efficient communication: Identification photos make it easier for employees to recognize each other across departments or teams, improving communication and collaboration and help save time by making it easier for colleagues and customers to identify the appropriate contact person.
Regular updates and GDPR compliance

However, having employee portraits is just one part of the equation. To maintain their relevance and accuracy, it’s essential to update them regularly. An image from several years ago no longer reflects the employee’s current appearance, which can lead to confusion and reduced credibility – not to say less security. It is recommended to update portrait pictures every 3-4 years to ensure they remain accurate and up-to-date.

Protection of personal data is critical, especially with the introduction of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Companies must adhere to the law and ensure the privacy of employees. This entails obtaining consent from employees for the use of their images and having an appropriate storage policy for these pictures. GDPR mandates that personal information, including portraits, be securely stored and in compliance with the law. And to minimize handling of these essential criteria, Eikonice offers automation of this entire area.

Automation is the solution

For larger companies with multiple locations, managing and updating portrait photos can be challenging. This is where Eikonice comes into play. Eikonice is a platform that helps companies streamline and simplify the management of portrait pictures. By using Eikonice, companies can easily update and organize portraits across their organization, ensuring GDPR compliance and creating a consistent and professional presentation of their employees.

In today’s digital age, portraits are an integral part of a company’s image and identity. They are not merely decorative; they are powerful tools for building trust, fostering relationships, ensuring security, and enhancing efficiency. By using employee portraits strategically and thoughtfully, companies can create a strong and professional identity that helps them stand out in the competitive business world. Therefore, a comprehensive strategy for the use of portraits should be developed, making the process centralized, rather than the current decentralized and uncoordinated approach present in many companies today.

LInkedIn Corporate/Personale

LinkedIn, with its vast user base of professionals and businesses alike, is more than just a platform for job seekers and recruiters; it’s a thriving ecosystem where corporate interests intersect with personal branding ambitions. It’s a place where the lines between promoting a company’s image and enhancing one’s personal brand blur, creating a unique synergy that can be a game-changer for both entities involved.

Corporate interests on LinkedIn

Companies worldwide have recognized the potential of LinkedIn as a strategic tool for achieving their objectives. From recruiting top talent to establishing a formidable online presence, LinkedIn offers an array of opportunities for businesses to showcase their prowess. A well-maintained company page becomes the face of the organization, shaping how it’s perceived by potential employees, clients, and partners.

The key lies in consistency and professionalism. A strong company presence on LinkedIn ensures that every interaction, from job postings to content sharing, aligns with the brand’s values and objectives. Organizations like Microsoft and IBM serve as prime examples of how to master the art of company representation on this platform.

Personal interests and branding on LinkedIn

On the other side of the equation, individuals wield LinkedIn as a potent tool for career advancement and personal branding. Crafting a compelling personal profile is paramount, but authenticity is equally crucial. LinkedIn is not merely a digital résumé but a stage for showcasing your expertise and passions. Successful individuals on the platform, such as entrepreneurs and thought leaders, use it as a canvas to share insights, engage with their networks, and build an authentic personal brand.

The interplay between business and personal

Here’s where the magic happens – in the overlap between corporate interests and personal branding. In the model below, the two circles are representing the interest of the company and the individual – and intersecting to create a shared space. Within this overlap lies a treasure trove of opportunities and challenges.

In the shared space between corporate interest and personal branding, several key topics come to the forefront. Let’s take a closer look at the 5 most interesting areas in this tension field – in random order, as a prioritization does not make sense without knowing the specific case.

  • Employee branding: Individuals must strike a balance between personal and corporate interests when sharing content and engaging with their network. Being seen as a thought leader benefits both the individual and the company they represent.
  • Thought leadership and content sharing: LinkedIn provides a platform for individuals within an organization to position themselves as industry experts and thought leaders. By sharing valuable content such as articles, reports, and opinions, employees can strengthen both their own personal brand and the credibility of the company within their industry.
  • Recruiting and talent acquisition: Companies use LinkedIn as a powerful tool to attract top talent. Simultaneously, individual users seek job opportunities and employers that align with their career ambitions. This creates an overlap where companies aim to fulfill their recruiting needs while individuals seek to realize their professional goals.
  • Onboarding: Companies benefit when new hires quickly adapt to the corporate culture and values. LinkedIn can facilitate this process by connecting newcomers with colleagues and providing insights into the company’s ethos.
  • Networking: Building connections is at the heart of LinkedIn, and it’s a bridge that connects the two circles. Whether it’s nurturing relationships with potential clients or establishing partnerships, networking on LinkedIn can be a boon for both professional growth and corporate success.

One of the most critical aspects of this delicate dance between corporate interests and personal branding on LinkedIn lies in employee branding and onboarding. These two facets are not only interconnected but mutually reinforcing.

In today’s digital landscape, employees are more than just cogs in the corporate machinery; they are brand ambassadors. When individuals within an organization authentically share their experiences, insights, and expertise on LinkedIn, they not only enhance their personal brand but also contribute to a more human and relatable corporate image. This symbiotic relationship elevates the company’s profile and fosters trust within the professional community.

And for companies, the journey begins with onboarding. LinkedIn plays a pivotal role in ensuring that new hires swiftly immerse themselves in the corporate culture and values. It connects newcomers with seasoned colleagues and offers a window into the company’s ethos. This alignment of personal aspirations with corporate objectives starts right at the beginning of an employee’s LinkedIn journey.

As you embark on your LinkedIn endeavors, remember that this platform is more than just a digital resume or an online company brochure. It’s a dynamic intersection where careers are nurtured, brands are built, and professional relationships flourish. By effectively balancing the interests of both the individual and the organization, you can unlock the true potential of LinkedIn in today’s digital age.

LinkedIn Profile Picture

Your LinkedIn profile picture is more than just a snapshot; it’s your virtual handshake with the professional world. As the saying goes, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”. In essence, your LinkedIn profile picture is your digital handshake—a potent tool for professional success. By embracing the principles of a stellar profile picture, you can elevate your online presence, attract more views, and establish trust within your network.

The power of first impression

Your LinkedIn profile picture is your virtual handshake. It’s the first thing potential employers, colleagues, and connections see when they visit your profile. Just like in face-to-face interactions, first impressions matter in the digital realm too. A study by Jobvite found that profiles with a professional photo are 14 times more likely to be viewed than those without one.

Therefore, a well-chosen LinkedIn profile picture conveys professionalism, approachability, and competence. It’s an opportunity to showcase your personal brand. Avoid the pitfalls such as group photos, vacation snapshots, or heavily filtered images. Instead, use a high-resolution, solo portrait where you’re dressed in attire suitable for your industry.

5 reasons to have a great profile picture on your LinkedIn profile
  1. First impressions matter: Your LinkedIn profile picture is often the first thing people see when they visit your profile. A high-quality, professional image creates a positive and memorable first impression, making others more inclined to connect with you and explore your profile further.
  2. Enhances visibility: LinkedIn profiles with professional photos are more likely to appear in search results and receive higher click-through rates. This means that having a great profile picture can increase your visibility on LinkedIn, making it easier for others to discover you.
  3. Builds trust and credibility: A polished and appropriate profile picture conveys professionalism and signals that you take your career seriously. This helps build trust and credibility among potential employers, clients, and colleagues, making them more likely to consider you for opportunities.
  4. Reflects personal branding: Your profile picture is a key component of your personal brand on LinkedIn. It should align with your industry, the image you want to project, and your career goals. A well-chosen picture reinforces your personal brand and sets you apart from the competition.
  5. Engagement and connection: People tend to connect more readily with profiles that have a clear and friendly image. A great LinkedIn portrait makes you approachable and relatable, encouraging others to send connection requests, engage with your content, or reach out for networking opportunities.
The ideal LinkedIn profile picture

A great LinkedIn profile picture should have excellent lighting, a neutral background, and showcase your face clearly. Dress professionally and ensure you’re the focal point of the image. It’s also essential to update your picture regularly to reflect your current appearance. More and more companies are aware of the importance of a good profile picture and therefore organize photo sessions for employees to ensure high quality – and hiring a professional photographer for a polished and impactful image does make a difference.

The consequences of a poorly chosen LinkedIn profile picture can be far-reaching. It might give the impression that you don’t take your professional image seriously or that you’re not up-to-date with the platform’s etiquette.

Building trust and credibility

Your LinkedIn profile is your online resume. A professional picture fosters trust and credibility among your connections. It’s an indicator of your commitment to your career and the platform itself. In conclusion, a well-chosen LinkedIn profile picture is not just a vanity project; it’s a strategic tool for professional success. By avoiding the pitfalls profile picture, you can enhance your online presence, attract more profile views, and establish trust and credibility in your network. Your LinkedIn profile picture is your digital handshake – make it count!

Case: ProMark

a global

…ProMark focuses on their people on the journey from local to global

By fostering a positive company culture, attracting top talent, and empowering employees as brand ambassadors, we unlock a multitude of benefits. Simultaneously, our employees stand to gain from the advantages offered by a well-defined employee brand. From personal growth and development to a sense of belonging and pride. Our new employee portraits are the face of the new and stronger ProMark.
Torkel Olrik

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses face new challenges in establishing their brand identity and creating a cohesive visual representation.

For ProMark, a Danish software company, the transition from product sales to cloud-based solutions required a fresh approach to branding. 

In an era dominated by social media and online interactions, establishing trust and forging connections have become crucial for businesses. Negative reviews and feedback can significantly impact a company’s reputation, making it essential to showcase professionalism and reliability. Employee portraits provide a unique opportunity to humanise a brand and create a sense of authenticity. While traditional branding methods often revolve around products, ProMark understood that employee branding could serve as a powerful tool to connect with all stakeholders.

An overlooked opportunity

While product-based companies have a tangible object to serve as a branding focal point, software companies face unique challenges. As software sales shifted from physical boxes to downloads and cloud-based solutions, a new approach to creating a cohesive brand identity became necessary.

One often overlooked opportunity for branding lies in the portrayal of employees. Employee portraits offer a chance to showcase a company’s culture, values, and professionalism to customers, partners, and remote colleagues. Through standardised photography techniques, effective communication, and respect for privacy, ProMark recognised the potential of employee portraits in strengthening their identity and brand.

Unlocking the power of employee branding in an international landscape

The argumhas been two dimensional for ProMark due to the fact that employee branding offers benefits to tents for employee branding, he company and its employees, both underscoring the mutual advantages and positive outcomes for all stakeholders involved.

Company benefits

Talent acquisition

Employee branding attracts top talent from around the world, making the company a magnet for highly skilled individuals seeking reputable and desirable organisations.

Competitive differentiator

A well-established employee brand gives the international company a competitive advantage by enhancing its reputation and distinguishing it from industry rivals.

Increased engagement

Employee branding fosters a sense of belonging and pride, leading to higher levels of employee engagement and motivation, ultimately driving increased productivity and performance.


Building a positive company culture through employee branding creates a cohesive and inclusive environment that unites employees from diverse backgrounds, fostering resilience and adaptability during challenging times.

Employee benefits

Employer branding

A strong employee brand positions the international company as an employer of choice, offering growth opportunities, a supportive work environment, and a positive company culture.


Employees become brand ambassadors, representing the organisation both internally and externally. This provides them with a sense of pride and ownership, and the opportunity to share positive experiences, impacting the company’s reputation.

Get recognised

Engaged employees aligned with the company’s brand values experience a greater sense of purpose and fulfilment in their work, leading to higher job satisfaction and a more meaningful work experience.

Talent growth

Employee branding encourage collaboration, knowledge sharing, and a shared sense of purpose. This creates opportunities for personal growth, learning, and professional development, contributing to employees’ long-term career success.

Utilise employee portraits in building trust and connection

As ProMark expanded its operations globally, employee branding played a vital role in fostering a sense of unity among employees. By treating all employees equally and including them in the process, ProMark created a shared identity that transcended geographical boundaries. Through standardised photography techniques, effective communication, and respect for privacy, ProMark ensured that every employee portrait reflected the company’s values and message.

Long-term benefits

Recognising the long-term benefits of employee branding, ProMark integrated employee photography into their onboarding process. By capturing professional portraits of all new hires from day one, ProMark emphasised their commitment to building a strong corporate identity and made employees feel valued as active team members. This strategic approach not only fostered a sense of belonging but also set the tone for a consistent and compelling representation of the team in the future. As ProMark embarked on its journey to become an international market player, employee branding played a crucial role in their success.

By leveraging employee portraits and the innovative capabilities of Eikonice, ProMark established a strong corporate identity that resonated with their global audience.

  • Ensuring consistency: Uniform photography, setups, and backgrounds
  • Efficient processes: Streamlined communication and design guidelines
  • Showcasing values: Strengthening visual messages and employee involvement
From local to global

Through consistent imagery, efficient processes, and a focus on their values, ProMark showcased their professionalism, reliability, and commitment to excellence. As a result, ProMark’s transition from a local Danish software company to a global workforce management leader was bolstered by their strategic investment in employee branding.

The Eikonice platform has given us a much faster, smoother and uniform handling of employee portraits — and greater employee satisfaction in the process
Kirsten Malmborg Rønne
Marketing Coordinator

An often overlooked branding opportunity lies in showcasing employees

Previously, ProMark would engage a local photographer every other year to capture professional images of the management and sales teams. These photos were used in presentations and on their website. However, in 2019, ProMark started collaborating with Eikonice to process employee portraits for internal newsletters. In 2022, they organised a company-wide photo event during a major meeting, where all employees were professionally photographed.

A new visual language

As part of their rebranding efforts in 2022, including a new website and updated visual language, ProMark entrusted Eikonice to handle their new design guidelines for employee portraits. Going forward, employee photography became an integral part of ProMark’s onboarding process, ensuring a consistent and compelling representation of their team. By providing a platform that enabled uniformity in photography, setups, and backgrounds, Eikonice facilitated a cohesive visual identity across the company. Efficient communication and the implementation of design guidelines ensured that every employee portrait aligned with ProMark’s values and brand message.

About ProMark and the journey behind

ProMark was founded in 1981 when 3 engineers built the first data collection box.

Today, ProMark is one of the most innovative vendors of Workforce Management software – built on decades of experiences within the world’s most complex labour market rules. ProMark help some of the largest and most well-known brands in the world and more then 300,000 employees use their solution daily.

A commitment to professionalism

Through employee portraits, ProMark achieved several key objectives. Firstly, they strengthened their visual messages by treating all employees equally, from top management to entry-level staff. Secondly, by offering structure and functioning processes, ProMark showcased their commitment to professionalism and created a sense of unity among employees. Finally, by respecting employees’ privacy and involving them in the process, ProMark fostered a culture of respect and empowerment.

From local to global

In conclusion, ProMark’s journey from a local software company to a global market player was supported by leveraging Eikonice and its innovative platform. ProMark transformed their employee portraits into a powerful branding tool. With consistent imagery, efficient processes, and a focus on their values, ProMark succeeded in establishing a strong corporate identity that resonated with their customers, partners, and employees alike.

Generation Z

A whole new generation is entering the job market. Gen Z is markedly different from previous generations in their way of thinking and processing, and therefore a new and modernized approach to onboarding is needed. All companies need to take into account these differences and ensure that the company offers an onboarding process that is tailored to Gen Z. This may mean a more technologically advanced and flexible approach to onboarding, that is tailored to their preferred communication methods and work style.

For example, they have a shorter attention span and want a more interactive and engaging onboarding process with a motivating flow. A modernized approach to onboarding can therefore include a more interactive and game-based approach to getting to know the company.

Gen Z is also more likely to choose employers who have a strong corporate culture and a positive impact on society. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the company communicates its corporate culture and values in a way that appeals to Gen Z.

Pre-boarding take on a whole new perspective

A modernized approach to onboarding also means that the pre-boarding phase needs to be adjusted and take on a different role. The period between hiring a new employee and their first day on the job gives the company an opportunity to build relationship with the new employee and prepare them for their upcoming role and responsibilities. Gen Z, will be open to this in a new way than previous generations.

In the pre-boarding phase, a modernized approach may include sending welcome emails to the existing team and the new employee introducing each other and inform organization’s culture, and providing the new employees access to resources and tools they will need in their role. These meassures can help create a sense of belonging to the company even before the new employee’s first day on the job.

“…This generation has grown up with instant access to information, entertainment, and communication. As a result, they have developed a very different set of skills than their predecessors…”

Neil Howe, demographer and co-author of “Generations: The History of America’s Future, 1584 to 2069”

Gen Z is technology oriented and wants a more flexible and digital approach to work. Therefore, pre-boarding should include the use of digital tools and platforms, such as a virtual tour of the company’s facilities, an online onboarding process, and a mobile-friendly approach to communication and access to information. It could involve offering new employees access to mentorship programs and peer-to-peer networks that can help them integrate into the organization and learn more about their role and responsibilities.

The employee portrait support a personalised employee journey from before day one

Never miss an employee portrait in the onboarding phase. The personal portrait is one of the  most valuable assets for the employee and the company should recognize this, by implementing, a  structured and professional process. It would be of great value to both the company and the employee, if the employee is proud of their portrait and will use it in on private platforms like Linkedin. Eikonice helps companies to have a well structured process and ensure better and more consistent quality of the portraits on all the company  digital platforms. With the digitalization and the presence of Gen Z – employee portraits are becoming more and more important.

Limit the resources used in HR for maintaining up-to-date and professional portraits. Eikonice secures easy delivery and management of employee portraits no matter the location of the individual employee. Eikonice is an AI-driven and hassle-free way of handling corporate portraits – directly from your phone – or any other camera. Utilise the latest camera technology on your mobile phone to provide high quality portraits of your employees from before day one.


Case: Merger – Jyske Bank

Always focus
on people

Portraits have always been prioritised as an important part of onboarding at Jyske Bank

Our focus is on establishing a new culture among the many new Jyske Bank employees and ensuring consolidation of Jyske Bank as a corporate brand both internally and externally. It's about welcoming the new employees and making them feel part of the Jyske Bank team as quickly as possible
Jens Skov
Director, Head of Events & Partnerships

Mergers represent an enormous change for employees and the corporate culture is often neglected.
That’s not the case for Jyske Bank

Jyske Bank is the 2nd largest Danish bank and in December 2022 Jyske Bank and Handelsbanken announced the agreement on the acquisition of Handelsbanken’s activities in Denmark.

The work of integrating  Handelsbanken Danish activities into Jyske Bank was initiated immediately. Jyske Bank aimed at implementing their standards, procedure and systems as quickly as possible. In this process, – and as one of the first things – Jyske Bank has prioritised the making of new portraits for over 600 employees at 42 locations in Denmark – all former Handelsbanken employees.

These portraits are incorporated on all Jyske Bank’s internal and external platforms, the website, business cards and much more. Portraits shot by a professional photographer, is a part of the onboarding process for all the new employees.

For Jyske Bank, corporate branding is increasingly about establishing a common culture, where onboarding is an important tool to ensure the retention and recruitment of employees. Likewise, it is of course also about the more classic arguments behind the establishment of a corporate brand, such as securing a good image and corporate governance.

A clear focus on the employees in the merger between Jyske Bank and Handelsbanken

The arguments for prioritising the employee portrait early in the phase for Jyske Bank, has been twofold. Rational technical advantages, such as efficiency, branding and systems, as well as the softer emotional values focusing on the employees.

Rational arguments:


When the new employees see their co-workers’ faces, it will help them identify and connect with their team members. This will make it easier to navigate the organisation and find the right person to contact for specific tasks.


The employee portraits is used on all Jyske Bank’s platforms, and they will thus help create a unified culture where all employees feel part of the same organisation. It will also strengthen the bank’s branding, as it sends a signal that all employees are part of Jyske Bank.


Having all the employee portraits in a standardised form will make it easier to integrate the former Handelsbanken employees into Jyske Bank. It will also make it easier for customers and business partners to understand their personal contact is now part of Jyske Bank.

Emotional arguments:


By prioritising the employee portraits, Jyske Bank shows that they value all employees in the organisation equally and that the former Handelsbanken employees has checked in to the bank. This creates a sense of cohesion and belonging among all employees.


By making new employee portraits, Jyske Bank also shows respect for the former Handelsbanken employees and their individual identities. This shows that Jyske Bank wants to get to know them and that they are willing to invest time and resources in integrating them into the organisation.


The employee portraits can also help to create a positive culture in the organisation. Seeing the faces of the people you work with can create a feeling of being part of a team. It can also help break down prejudices and create a more open and inclusive work culture.

Over 600 new employees in 42 different locations

Over the past few years, Jyske Bank has used the Eikonice platform in their monthly onboarding activities with a high degree of employee satisfaction. It was therefore natural for Jyske Bank to use Eikonice to solve the task of photographing their new employee and have the portraits delivered quickly and efficiently to Jyske Bank’s systems, as well as to the employees.

A unique workflow

The Eikonice automated workflow is starting with the planner – it handles all the planning of photo sessions, no matter how many people or locations, for that matter. The planning tool ensures that the process is efficient and involves the employees in all steps of the process.

The Eikonice planner has flexibility at its core and employees have the opportunity to plan their portrait timeslot to match the rest of their workday. They can book, cancel and change their timeslot as the need arises and any free timeslots are immediately available to those, for employees who have not already booked. All the necessary communication is handled automatically and the planner informs about any changes and sends calendar bookings and SMS reminders to all employees. The icing on the cake – the planner can send the final photoplan with all necessary information directly to the photographer. It doesn’t get any easier.

It has been very smooth – there is really no reason not to get started
Nathalie Puvis de Chavannes
Direktionssekretær (former PA, Handelsbanken)

Eikonice support the onboarding process

Employee portraits have always been a high priority for Jyske Bank. It has been a regular part of the onboarding process, that all employees were photographed in connection with the onboarding program for new employees. During the Covid-19 shutdown, Jyske Bank had to rethink the onboarding process, including how employee portrait should be processed in the future.

In this connection, Jyske Bank was presented with Eikonice, a solution that provides greater flexibility around the photo session and at the same time a faster and more efficient processing of all the portraits. And Eikonice, ensures an integrated workflow in accordance with GDPR – with photo planning, automatic colour correction and cropping according to company guidelines with an automatic upload to all digital platforms.

Overall, the prioritisation of the employee portraits will help to create a more efficient and cohesive organisation, while at the same time creating a positive and inclusive culture in Jyske Bank.

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Free e-book

Learn how to take great corporate portraits

We have gathered the most important tips and tricks in an easy-to-follow guide – dedicated to helping people who need to take great pictures of their co-workers or employees for ID-cards, newsletters or SoMe-purposes. Absolutely free.


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